DBA's  Gala group picture 2023

DBA's  upcoming fundraising Gala. Make sure to get your tickets

December 14, 2024 Holiday Gala 11am-4pm

Visual ID: DBA's Holiday Gala on December 14th 2024 . We will be having Mediterranean food with these four options: 1. two beef skewers, 2. two chicken skewers, 3. one beef skewer and one chicken skewer, 4. vegetarian option: four falafel. All meals come with these sides: one vegetable skewer, hummus, pita bread, cucumber yogurt, tabouli salad, fattoush salad, rice and dessert.  All meals cost $50.00 and must be paid in advance by Nov 20th 2024. You can mail checks to DBA 323 W 2nd St San Dimas, CA 91773 or you can Zelle by Nov 30th to dorene@deafblindaccess.org

Bring cash for wine bar, silent auction and 50/50.

Our Halloween party was a big success!

Our Ice Cream social was a big hit! here is a video of our event


Video ID: The video opens up in the Greater Los Angeles Agency  on Deafness (GLAD) dinning room showing colorful tables with DeafBlind and CN sitting around the tables chatting and eating ice cream.